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Hoodline - Bands Performing at 2016's Haight Ashbury Street Fair - Boyd Tinsley Discusses DMB, Crystal Garden - Cultivating The Sound: Boyd Tinsley Discusses DMB, Crystal Garden

Watch "Crystal Garden, the story of a band" Episode one.

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July 15 Triple Door
Mycle Wastman CD Release
Seattle, WA Tickets
Aug. 28 The Tractor Tavern
with Good Quiver & Bad Kid Billy
Seattle, WA Tickets

Latest News

Hoodline - Bands Performing at 2016's Haight Ashbury Street Fair - Boyd Tinsley Discusses DMB, Crystal Garden - Cultivating The Sound: Boyd Tinsley Discusses DMB, Crystal Garden

Craig Heimbuch - With Crystal Garden

DMB ConFustion (in Italian) - Backstage Pass Boyd Tinsley - Jefferson Theater - Crystal Garden Debut Show at Paramount

The Daily Progress - Crystal Garden at Paramount

KindWeb - Crystal Garden Plats Debut Show In Virginia

Dave Matthews Band - Introducing Crystal Garden - Boyd Tinsley Free Concert - Dave Matthews Band's Boyd Tinsley Side Project - Boyd Tinsley's New Band Crystal Garden - Tom Tom Announces Surprise Concert

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About Crystal Garden

Crystal Garden is the brainchild of Boyd Tinsley of Dave Matthews Band. For two years he sought out the right group of musicians to form a modern day rock band. The four members of the band are from Seattle, San Francisco and Toronto. Crystal Garden will soon release a CD that features Boyd Tinsley and special guest Stanley Jordan.

The band members are Mycle Wastman, vocals, Charlie Csontos, bass, Matt Frewen, drums, James Frost-Winn, trumpet